Howe citizens are receiving letters regarding a failure to properly test for lead and copper in the water system. TCEQ requires municipalities to send out letters any time a failure in testing occurs. The City of Dorchester also failed to send in the testing to TCEQ and they are sending letters out also.
Howe Mayor Jeff Stanley released the following statement.
Most of you received a letter form the Public Works Director, David Wortham, that the city violated the monitoring and reporting requirements set by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality(TCEQ).
The test that were missed were for Lead & Copper, and have been missed for the past two years. When this happens a notice has to go out to the water users. It does not mean that your water is not drinkable, it is just a notice that has to go out by law. A test has been scheduled for January 1st.
At this time the city does not expect any fines from TCEQ or any abnormal results from the scheduled test.
Lead & Copper are just one of many tests that are routinely done on the water system each year. Once a year a report goes out on the water and can be viewed from the city website,, or by requesting a copy from City Hall.
If you have any questions about this please call City Hall Monday.”