Howe Chamber plans Christmas parade

The Howe Area Chamber of Commerce announced last week that they will have their annual Christmas parade on Dec. 12 starting at 4:30 pm. This will once again allow for the Highway 5 Band to perform in all three Christmas parades on Dec. 12. The Anna parade starts at noon, and Van Alstyne will start at 2 pm. That allows time for the entire three-city-communities to spend the day watching parades.

The Howe Chamber is still in its infancy stages after regrouping and reorganizing late last year. Keep Howe Beautiful actually sponsored the Christmas parade in 2014, but the chamber has taken over those responsibilities which allows for Keep Howe Beautiful to focus on the things in which they were established to do.

The chamber will have no fee to enter a float in the parade, but some parameters must be met in order to enter. No theme has been announced just yet. In 2014, the parade theme was entitled “It’s A Beautiful Town” – inspired by the legendary film, “It’s a Beautiful Life.”

Information regarding registration for floats and routes will be released shortly by the chamber. Assumed route is the same as 2014 with a trip through downtown.

2015 Howe Christmas Parade