It’s probably late in the game, but if you’re still needing to buy school supplies, here’s what you need:
Large backpack (large enough to hold a full size folder)
1 box 8 count large Crayola Crayons (Crayola brand only)
1 pair Fiskar scissors
12 sticks of Elmer’s glue sticks (Elmer’s brand only)
1 box thin line Crayon washable markers
1 pkg. personal/baby wipes
Paper plates (girls)
Cotton balls (boys)
1 backpack – no wheels or rollers
12 – #2 pencils
3 pkg. 24 count regular crayons (Crayola brand)
2 large pink erasers
1 Fiskars scissors
1 pkg. or refill personal/baby wipes
3 primary writing tablets
1 black one subject spiral notebook
3 – 4oz. bottles of Elmer’s school glue
1 pkg. construction paper (8 1/2 x11)
2 boxes of tissues
1 small rest mat (folding-red & blue)
1 plastic school box
2 bottles of Elmer’s glue (large)
2 large pink erasers
1 pair of 5″ blunt tip scissors
2 folders of any color or design
3 one subject wide ruled spiral notebooks
3 boxes of tissues
1 container of baby wipes
1 pkg. Manilla paper (12×18)
2 Mead hand writing tablets 1″ ruling
1 large stretchy book cover
1 pkg. notebook paper (wide ruled)
3 boxes CRAYOLA crayons (24 count)
2 glue sticks
1 dozen #2 pencils
2 green folders w/brads & pockets (plastic preferred)
2 blue folders w/brads & pockets (plastic preferred)
1 red folder w/brads & pockets (plastic preferred)
1 box Ziplok baggies (girls-sandwich, boys-gallon)
1 pkg.colored construction paper (12×18)
1 backpack (no wheels)
1 backpack (NO ROLLERS)
2 pkgs. (12 ct.) #2 pencils
2 boxes (24 ct.) crayons
1 pkg. notebook paper (wide ruled)
1 pkg. manila paper (9×12)
3 plastic folder w/brads
1 pair of med. sized scissors
2 small bottles of white Elmer’s glue
1 plastic school box
2 pkgs. colored construction paper (9×12)
2 boxes tissue
2 large pink erasers
3 pkgs. Crayola markers
1 box Ziplok baggies (girls-quart, boys-gallon)
1 nylon zippered bag for supplies (No pencil boxes)
2 pkgs. 24 count crayons
1 eraser (large)
2 red pens
1 pkg. baby wipes – BOYS
8 glue sticks
1 spiral notebook – basic color
Ear buds
4 plastic folders with pockets & brads (1 each RED,GREEN, BLUE & YELLOW)
2 – 3 ring binders-NO larger than 1 inch rings (white or black basic – NO ZIPPERS)
Backpack (NO ROLLERS)
2 pkgs. wide rulednotebook paper
2 large boxes of tissue
1 small pkg. colored pencils
1 pair of children’s scissors
1 pkg. quart or gallon Ziploc bags – GIRLS
2 dozen Ticonderoga #2 pencils (these last longer)
Manila paper 9×12 or 12×18-optional
Construction paper 9×12 or 12×18-optional
48 – #2 pencils
2 boxes colored pencils
1 pair scissors Headphonesor ear buds for laptops
pencil top erasers
3 pkgs. wide ruled notebook paper
4 plastic folders w/ pockets & brads (blue, yellow,green, red)
1 large zippered pencil bag that will hook in notebook
1 pkg. dividers for notebooks with pockets (front/back)
7 large/extra large cloth book covers
1 box of crayons
Gallon zippered bags – Boys only
3 glue sticks
4 yellow highlighters
2 pkgs. red pens
3 boxes of tissues
1 – 2″ 3 ring binder
Quart zippered bags – Girls only
5th Grade
Notebook Binder with large rings
White wide-ruled notebook paper
8 notebook dividers with tabs
Pencil pouch (nylon/fabric), goes inside binder
#2 pencils
2 – red pens
1 – handheld personal pencil sharpener
2 – composition notebooks (100 pgs)
3 – folders w/pockets & brads, (Red, Blue, Green)
2 boxes colored pencils
1 box of thin markers
1 box of large markers
2 boxes of Kleenex
1 set of ear buds or headphones
2 large glue sticks or 4 small
GIRLS – bring one container of baby wipes
BOYS – bring one roll of paper towels
6th Grade
3 hole, wide ruled notebook paper
Colored markers – thin
Black and red pens
1 – 24 count (or more) Crayola colored map pencils
2 pkg – 4×6 lined note cards
3 composition books
1 package glue sticks
1 set of ear buds
4 – one inch 3-ring binders
1 – Black Sharpie – Fine tip
2 highlighters
1 spiral notebook
1 white sheet poster board
2 boxes Kleenex
2 rolls scotch tape
1 pkg black dry erase markers
1 folder
7th Grade
1 – binder with large metal rings
1 – 1 inch binder (clear view cover, English)
4 – Pocket dividers (English)
Notebook paper – wide rule
3 – Plastic folders with brads & pockets (Science, Math & S.S.)
2 – Composition book (Science & Math)
1 – Spiral notebook, 1 subject (Social Studies)
2 – package 4×6 lined note cards (Science)
1 – 24 count (or more) Crayola Map Colors
2 – boxes Kleenex
1 – Pencil Pouch
#2 Pencils
4 – Glue Sticks
Pens (blue or black ink)
1 package red pens
2 – highlighters
1 pkg dry erase markers (for student use)
1 pair ear buds
8th Grade
White Notebook Paper – wide rule
6 – Folders w/brads & pockets (for English, Science(2), Math, Speech & Health)
1 – Composition Book (Science)
2 – Spiral notebook, 3 subject (English, Math)
Graph paper – (Math)
1 pk – 4×6 ruled index cards (Science)
1 pkg – 3×5 ruled index cards (English)
2 – boxes of Kleenex
1 – 24 count (or more) Crayola Map Colors (for Social Studies and Art)
#2 Pencils
Ink pens, blue or black only
Red ink pens
2 highlighters (English)