John Wayne Birthplace Museum grand opening

WINTERSET, Iowa–Over the past 30 years more than one million visitors have journeyed to historic Madison County to tour the modest four-room home where motion picture icon John Wayne was born on May 26, 1907.  Guests have included President Ronald Reagan, movie legend Maureen O’Hara, Wayne’s widow and all of his children and fans from 50 states and 40 foreign countries.  And, as testament to the star’s enduring popularity, they keep on coming.

To provide a more meaningful visitor experience, the Birthplace organization has announced the May 23rd Grand Opening of the John Wayne Birthplace Museum, a brand-new 6,100 square ft. facility which will offer an astounding collection of memorabilia from the film legend’s life and motion picture career.  The only museum in the world dedicated to John Wayne, it will feature the largest diversified exhibit of John Wayne artifacts in existence, including movie posters, film wardrobe, scripts, letters, artwork and sculpture, one of his customized automobiles and, of course, a movie theater.

A birthday celebration of this magnitude requires considerable flourish and the weekend of May 22-24 will not disappoint.  Providing patriotic fanfare will be the 100-member Iowa Military Veterans Band along with rodeo and rodeo queens, reduced price admission to the new museum, free John Wayne movies, food and merchandise vendors, cowboy mounted shooters and much more.

Among the guests of honor will be Christopher Mitchum who has acted in some 60 films and starred alongside John Wayne in Big Jake, Chisum and Rio Lobo.  (Mitchum is also the son of actor Robert Mitchum who starred with Wayne in El Dorado.)

A highlight for many will be the Museum Benefit Dinner ($150 per person) headlined by country music great and RFD-TV star Marty Stuart & His Fabulous Superlatives.  Also featured will be an auction of unique and one-of-a-kind John Wayne collectibles including artwork and film wardrobe.


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