The board members of the Howe Area Chamber of Commerce met Wednesday evening to discuss plans for the holidays. One of the topics was the Annual Christmas Parade which will take place on Saturday, Dec. 14 at 4:30 pm. This year’s theme is “Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree” and the chamber is welcoming those who want to participate in the parade to register [here] online at no cost. The parade is the finale of three Highway 5 Christmas parades that day including Anna which begins at noon followed by Van Alstyne at 2 pm.
“We’d like to invite the floats from Anna and Van Alstyne to join our parade as well,” said Howe Chamber President Robert Cannaday.

This year, Santa and Mrs. Claus will not only be in the parade but will also visit with kids at Summit Gardens following the parade. There is no cost for the visit with Santa, but the chamber will be taking donations and selling hot chocolate on-site.
Keep Howe Beautiful has offered to provide a real “Community Christmas Tree” to be displayed on the grounds of Summit Gardens. They’re asking for the community to help with decorations. The chamber will be recreating the lollipops that once lined Haning Street. This time, the plan is to have the lollipops outlining the Summit Gardens property as well as Memorial Park. The groups will be working together on Sunday, Nov. 24 at 1 pm to create and decorate. Those interested in helping with decorating can contact the chamber office at 903-532-6080.
The parade route will be the same as the last several years as lineup will take place at the Howe Middle School beginning at 3:45 pm. The route will go from the middle school to Duke Street to Highway 5. The parade takes a right turn in front of First Baptist Church of Howe then makes a trip through downtown where the event emcee will be located. The parade will follow down Haning Street and make a left turn on King Street back to the middle school.