Over 550 people registered to run in the Grayson County Officers Down 5K event held on Saturday. 381 people lined up to run (or walk) to benefit the scholarship fund in the name of Grayson County Sheriff’s Deputy Chad Key, who lost his life to a drunk driver on April 20, 2013.

The deputy from Howe was directing traffic on Highway 82 east of Sherman after Clinton Espy ended a high-speed chase. While directing traffic, Ricky Trent Stanley of Whitesboro struck Key with his truck. Key was rushed to Texoma Medical Center where he later died.
It was Stanley’s fourth time to be arrested for DWI in a span of 11 years. After the arrest, Grayson County District Attorney Joe Brown told a reporter, “We’re going to come like a hook and bull at this kid because he has repeatedly been out on the road when he’s been ordered not to, He’s not going to be on the streets, as far as I’m concerned until he’s an old, old man, if at all.”
The 5K on Saturday began with opening remarks from the director T.J. Burke. Burke made mention of 37 officer deaths in Texas in just four months.
“We’re not only here to honor those that made the ultimate sacrifice, but we’re to support our brothers and sisters in blue that are out there every single day that are out there keeping things safe and protecting our families.” said Burke.
Chad Key’s widowed wife April told the crowd that the support of the event was even more amazing than she could have even imagined.

The run not only benefited the Chad Key Memorial Scholarship Fund, but also will benefit the Grayson County Police Academy and the Austin State Memorial for Fallen Officers. Half of the proceeds go to the scholarship fund and half will go to the memorial.
“I had this idea about a year after Chad was killed. I wanted to do a scholarship and had several friends suggest doing a run.” April Key told the Howe Enterprise back in January. “I reached out on Facebook a couple of weeks ago and it all came together.”
The event raised over $12,000 and is planned to be a annual event.
In irony of irony fashion, a young man with the last name of Key finished first in the race. Kasey Key of Denison, no relation to Chad, finished just ahead of Rachel Sanchez of Anna who is a Fairview Police Officer.