Final Call for 20th Annual Lone Star Hoops Camp in Howe

The dates of the annual Lone Star Hoops Camp were changed this year due to the new ruling that affects all male and female coaches using the school gym facilities. Therefore, this year’s camp had to be moved back a week to July 1-4.

“We know this presents a problem for a lot of people, including me, as I have had to shuffle my schedule around a bit.  That being said, I would never miss such a grand event as our 20th annual HOWE-Lone Star basketball camp.  What a great place to be exposed to people who love the game,” said Jan Jernberg, founder of Lone Star Hoops Camp.

Jan Jernberg at Howe’s camp in 2017.

Jernberg is making a “final call” to any of those who haven’t registered yet. In a written statement, he said, he would take any phone call, text, email, “smoke signals”, etc. from any “late-comers” and pencil-in camper’s name, age, shirt-size, and contact phone number prior to Wednesday, June 26 at the discounted original price of $120.

Simply come to the door on Monday, July 1st, bring your registration form and
settle-up at the door.

Lastly, he will buy pizza for the first 10 contacts he receives between now and the end of this week, June 21.