On June 28 at approximately 6:11 am, the Grayson County Sheriff’s Office received a call of a possible burglary in progress at Cavender Motors in Van Alstyne with a description of a vehicle leaving the business. The deputy arrived in the area and made contact with a vehicle matching the given description being driven by Scott Culley, a 41-year-old white male. The deputy noticed brush guards on a trailer being pulled by the vehicle. A representative from Cavender Motor’s arrived on the scene claiming the items on the trailer belonged to their company and the driver did not have permission to remove them from the property.
Culley was arrested for Theft of Property $750<$2500 ENH. He is currently in the Grayson County Jail on a $5,000 bond.
It is unknown at this time if any other parties were involved, the Sheriff’s Office is still investigating.
In a separate, but possibly related incident later that evening at approximately 10:37 pm, the Grayson County Sheriff’s Office received a call of a fire at Cavender Motors in Van Alstyne. The fire is being investigated by the Grayson County Fire Marshal. Unknown if the two incidents are linked but are under investigation.