Cavender Home Theater seeing DISH sales spike due to CableOne and KXII dispute

With the back and forth finger-pointing that’s going on between CableOne and KXII, a local Howe graduate Chris Cavender, who owns Cavender Home Theater, seems to be one of the few winners in the deal.  Cavender is seeing a jump in DISH Network sales since the announcement came out about CableOne no longer carrying the local channel.

Cavender is a local DISH Network retailer that provides the same service and same cost as the big company.  The only difference is that Cavender’s customers are supporting local small business by calling him instead of an 800 number.  However, Cavender wants people to not get upset and just order anything.

“Those situations never work out as well for the customers in my opinion. We want to take care of these people. They are our friends, our neighbors, our school mates and family. I really mean that.” said Cavender.  “The problem I usually hear about with unhappy DISH customers stems from a poor installation. The majority of ads you see are not from local dealers but from regional marketers that use contract installers to handle the installs. Those guys are always in a hurry to get to the next job and are never around to answer questions or fix problems. Order local from local people and get local service. Sounds simple but most people do not know that it makes a difference who you order from and it is your choice.

DirecTv and DISH are both reputable companies. And both are very large.
What we do as a DISH retailer is make sure our customers understand what they will be getting, answer any questions or concerns and supply installation with our local installers that care about their customers. We have a local show room that people can come to for a face to face experience and can see how it all works. Come in and grab the remote and see for yourself just how cool the DISH system is to use.

Tv contracts and occasional outages are unfortunate but do happen to every provider in the pay TV industry. CableOne has a recent history of giving up on trying to settle issues with programmers. Last March they took off 15 channels from ViaCom such as TV Land, Nickelodeon, MTV, VH1, BET, and many more. They never put them back on. It is rumored that a similar situation is brewing between CableOne and NBC Universal. DISH has negotiated settlements this year with CBS, Turner, CNN, and many more. DISH is negotiating now with Fox News, not to be confused with the Fox Broadcast Network. All our local channels are intact. We will have the Cowboys playoff game for sure.”


Cavender Home Theater