Founders Day will be held Saturday, Oct. 24 from 2 pm to 8 pm in conjunction with the Downtown Howe-lloween Festival. Founders Day has been a May event since its inception in 1986, however, due to COVID-19, it was rescheduled. The Howe Area Chamber of Commerce initially rescheduled the event for June but was pushed back again due to Gov. Abbott’s social distancing orders at that time.
Kids are welcomed to wear their costumes to the festival. Vendors are requesting that “trick or treating” take place after 5 pm to be able to help each kid participate.
The festival will host a record number of vendors nearing 100 and occupying both Haning and O’Connell Streets. Bent Creek will again be the featured performer on stage at the west end of downtown and food vendors will be located on the east end. On O’Connell Street, a wine-tasting will take place near Summit Gardens.

Due to health concerns, the chamber has chosen not to include bounce houses and the kid train with this event, but kids are welcome to wear their favorite Halloween costumes and “Trick or Treat” at the vendor locations.
This will be the fourth year in a row the chamber has hosted the Downtown Howe-lloween Festival. It has become one of the most popular community events of the year as ghouls and goblins flock to the downtown area.
The Howe Chamber will be taking COVID-related precautions and encourage all festival attendees and participants to do the same- this includes adhering to any current governor’s orders/any city/county recommendations given. Hand sanitizing stations will be located throughout festival grounds, and face masks are required by the State of Texas when 6-foot social distancing cannot be achieved. The chamber requests those to please stay home if you, or anyone you spend time with, is having any Covid-19 symptoms, or has been around anyone who has recently tested positive for the virus.
Haning Street and a portion of O’Connell Street will be blocked at noon. It is suggested to park vehicles at Independent Financial, First Baptist Church, or along the railroad track area. No parking will be allowed on Haning Street or O’Connell Street. It is advised to not to park at any time near Haning Street and Highway 5. The chamber asks to please do not drive onto either Haning or O’Connell Streets to set up your vendor booth. There will be too many vendors trying to set up in the middle of the street and there will not be access to either street for unloading.
The Howe Area Chamber of Commerce booth will be in front of the Chamber office on Haning Street. It is space #1 and will be available for those that need assistance locating their vendor space. The vendor space number will be marked on the street for convenience and maps will be located throughout the downtown area. Vendors do not have to check-in at the chamber booth. Chamber board members will come around and greet each vendor.