Community Pep Rally tonight at Bulldog Stadium

The Howe Athletic Booster Club will introduce all fall football teams from Kindergarten through varsity along with cheerleaders, volleyball, band and cross country.  Free watermelon and Dr. Pepper beverages will be available.  Also, there is an open house for the new facilities at Bulldog Stadium.  It all starts at 6:30 tonight.

Howe Enterprise Readership Numbers

The newspaper business is one thing; the online newspaper business in an entirely different animal.  In traditional newspaper advertising, it’s completely subjective on how many people saw your ad.  And they like it like that because they can throw newspapers out to a different town for a week and claim a larger circulation.  However, in the online newspaper business, you can tell your advertiser EXACTLY what he or she is getting for their dollar.  Even in radio, they go by Arbitron Ratings.  Having been in radio for quite some time, I’m very familiar with the crapshoot that game can be when a small amount of people fill out a survey.  Television is the same way with The Nielson Ratings, which is the same company as Arbitron Ratings.

The bottom line is that when all of those subjective numbers look good for a radio station or TV, they boast about them.  And when they are not so good, people get fired and those numbers get hidden from their customers.  As mentioned before, an online newspaper has no excuses.  The data is at their fingertips if they are tracking it properly with Google Analytics.  If anyone is hiding their online readership, there’s probably a reason for it.

So with all of that said, the curtain is being pulled back and the readership numbers are being revealed to the general public and not just future hopeful advertising customers.  They say you’re only as good as your last 30 days, so here’s the last 30 days even without school having begun yet. I expect these numbers to have a significant jump starting next week (and keep in mind, Google Analytics didn’t pick up our readers for three days while the conversion was made to the new website last week) :

3,878 – Total visits to

2,082 users

7,361 page views

25-34 – the average age of the reader

54.15% – male readers

Interest Category
100% of total sessions
5.49%  Sports/ Individual Sports/ Running & Walking
3.94%  Computers & Electronics/ Consumer Electronics/Electronic Accessories
3.05%  Sports/ Individual Sports/ Cycling
2.96%  Food & Drinks/ Cooking & Recipe/ Soups & Stews
2.45%  Travel/ Tourist Destinations/Historical Sites & Buildings

Given all of this data, one would think that running a crapshoot advertising plan would be a little too risky given the hard facts.  You can still advertise in The Howe Enterprise for as low as $50 month for six months.  Lets do the math on that.  Lets say Mr. Advertiser pays $50 per month and The Howe Enterprise was only read by one reader one time.  Mr. Advertiser paid $50 for that one ad.  Now, if The Howe Enterprise was read 3,878 times as in the last 30 days, Mr. Advertiser paid .01289 cent per visit per ad and that is not subjective data based on who “might be reading” or who “might be listening” or who “might be watching.”

I’d love to be a fly on the wall when Mr. Advertiser asks the other advertising venues to get to 1 cent per visit per ad.  It’ll be a creative masterpiece of subjectivity.

Thank you all so much for taking the time to support your hometown online newspaper.  It’s not traditional; it’s in a lot of ways very different.  That can be scary to some, but there’s hard evidence to prove that you as readers must like it enough to come back, or just come back to count the typos each week.  

Local small business advertising starts at $50 per month for six months at a  business card size and ends at $250 per month for six months for half page size.

They are priced at these very low rates because I want our local small businesses to not only make it, but to thrive.  I’m on a “Mom & Pop Mission” for Grayson County and especially for our home town.


Howe Volleyball advances to gold bracket

The Howe Lady Bulldogs Volleyball team got 2nd in their pool and advanced to the gold bracket today in the Farmersville Tournament. 

Sherman: 17-25,24-26
Kills-Hailey Hopper 2, Kayla Anderson 3, Tiffany Lallier 4, Emily Sanders 2
Digs- CC Counts 2, Hopper 3, Anderson 2, Lallier 1, Tori Abner 3, Sanders 2
Aces- Hopper 1, Lallier 3
Assists-Counts 10, Anderson 1

Lone Oak: 25-21, 25-14
Kills-Hopper 1, Anderson 4, Lallier 4, Abner 5, Sanders 4
Digs-Hopper 2, Anderson 1, Lallier 2
Aces-Counts 1, Anderson 1, Sanders 2
Assists-Counts 17
Blocks-Anderson 2

Boles: 19-25, 25-14, 25-19
Kills-Counts 2, Anderson 4, Lallier 6, Abner 5, Sanders 8
Digs-Counts 1, Hopper 1, Anderson 3, Abner 3, Sanders 1
Aces-Anderson 3, Abner 1, Sanders 3
Assists-Counts 23
Blocks-Anderson 2, Abner 2

City of Howe hires Walker to head up Economic Development

“With the recent increase in residential and commercial development along the US 75 corridor just south of Howe and with increased interest in development we are experiencing in the city and the city’s extraterritorial jurisdiction, city staff and the council believe that time has come of having an employee dedicated to economic development for the City of Howe.  Monte Walker was was offered the position of director and has accepted.  Walker will assume the duties starting October, 2014.” – Joe Shephard, City Administrator


This will have no effect on the publication of The Howe Enterprise, as Walker will remain owner/editor.

(Complete story in Monday’s edition)


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