HHS Class of ’74 held 40-year reunion

The HHS class of 1974 held their 40-year reunion on Saturday, Sept. 13th.  They had 13 classmates in attendance out of a class of 34.  With their guests, we had a total of 22 in attendance.  The group picture, left to right: Sherry Frank, Glenda Crocker, Chris Cavender, Benny Harmon, Mac Shields, Vickie Stapleton, Jackie Dunn, Nelda Owens, Terry Brown, Mary Cook, Sherry Allison, Steve Allison and J.W. Ham, Jr.  The group was small in number, but according to Stapleton, the joy and excitement was huge.  Many of them had not seen one another since their last reunion, 30 years ago, and some not since their graduation.


City of Howe invites you to subscribe to CodeRED Emergency system

The City of Howe and other cities in Grayson County instituted the CodeRED Emergency Notification System – an ultra high-speed telephone communication service for emergency notifications. This system allows the city to telephone all or targeted areas of the County in case of an emergency situation that requires immediate action (such as a boil-water notice, missing child or evacuation notices). The system is capable of dialing 60,000 phone numbers per hour. It then delivers a pre-recorded message describing the situations to a live person or an answering machine in the affected area possibly including instructions requiring action on the part of the recipient. Once the situation is remedied, another call will be placed to the area signaling that the issue has been addressed and that normal activities can be resumed.

This system is only used for emergency situations only. Examples of times when the CodeRED system could be utilized: drinking water contamination, utility outage, evacuation notice & route, missing person, fires or floods, bomb threat, hostage situation, chemical spill or gas leak, and other emergency incidents where rapid and accurate notification is essential for life safety.

Citizens can register at http://www.co.grayson.tx.us/default.aspx?name=oem.cred to have the city communicate emergency situations to them directly.

The city voted last night to be able to use unlimited messages to be able to update citizens on progress after the first emergency message had been sent out. (Full story in Monday’s Howe Enterprise).logo-CR-keepingcitizensinformed

Fryar leaves 25 year-old Howe highlight film

Former Howe Head Coach Jim Fryar brought the 1989 Howe Bulldogs highlight film with him last Friday for homecoming.  The original has been digitized and made available for the public to see.  This film is one of the first spread offenses in Texas High School Football history. The 1989 team won the District, Bi-District and Area Championships.



Howe JV recap and photos

The Howe Bulldogs JV are 3-0 on the year after beating Lindsay last Thursday, 30-18.  They opened the season by beating Bonham 8-6 and then Sacred Heart 40-26.

Last week, Winston Mosse and Jaden Matthews each had two touchdowns.  Cooper Akins had a two point conversion and Seth Seibold caught a two point conversion as well. David Crees threw a TD pass for one of Winston Mosse’s two touchdowns, and threw a two point conversion to Seth Seibold.

HoweEnterprise.com nears 10,000 visits in last 30 days

The Howe Enterprise has reached yet another milestone with over 9,600 visits in the last 30 days by 4,283 different readers.  Ad rates start at $50/month for business card size ads.  Contact me at mwalker@howeenterprise.com for more information on how to market your business to these 4,283 loyal readers.

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