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Mayor recognizes long-standing city employees and council members


At the beginning of Tuesday’s city council meeting, Mayor Jeff Stanley recognized employees and council members who had served for five to 20 years of service to the city.

Those recognized were Sgt. Michael Hill for his over five years of service.  Nicky Phillips also received a five-year pin due to his service since 2009.  City Administrator Joe Shephard was honored with his five-year pin.  Georgia Richardson, who has been on the council since 2008 received her five-year pin.  Bert Dowlen earned a 10-year pin and Mayor Stanley received a five-year pin.

The longest tenured were recognized with 20-year pins.  City Secretary Joy Stevens has been with the city since 1991.

Sam Haigis spent two stints on the council, 1979-1987 and 2000-present.

Sgt. Michael Hill - 5 year pin
Mickie Phillips - 5 year pin
Georgia Richardson - 5 year pin
Mayor Jeff Stanley - 5 year pin
Joy Stevens - 20 year pin
Sam Haigis - 20 year pin

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