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Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge to Conduct Burns

Weather permitting, prescribed burning will occur at Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge beginning August 1, or as soon therefore after as possible. Fire management staff from Wichita Mountains National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma will work in coordination with local fire officials and personnel to accomplish the burns. Approximately 590 acres located within five tracts in the Harris Creek Unit are scheduled to be burned. The area will close to the public the day of and the day following fire operations to ensure safety.

If burning in the Harris Creek Unit is completed within the expected time frame, a portion of the Sandy Unit may also be burned. If this occurs, the Sandy Unit will close to the public for one to two days.

The purpose of controlled burning on the refuge is to improve refuge habitat for native wildlife and reduce the amount of vegetation available to sustain a catastrophic wildfire. Fire also helps reduce the number of unwanted eastern red cedar, honey locust, and mesquite trees that invade grasslands and return nutrients to the soils to create healthy habitats.

For more information, please contact the Refuge Headquarters at 903-786-2826.

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