It’s been 50 years ago this month that Norman Dickey became a Howe Bulldog. His story will be in this coming Monday’s Howe Enterprise.
It’s been 50 years ago this month that Norman Dickey became a Howe Bulldog. His story will be in this coming Monday’s Howe Enterprise.
“With the recent increase in residential and commercial development along the US 75 corridor just south of Howe and with increased interest in development we are experiencing in the city and the city’s extraterritorial jurisdiction, city staff and the council believe that time has come of having an employee dedicated to economic development for the City of Howe. Monte Walker was was offered the position of director and has accepted. Walker will assume the duties starting October, 2014.” – Joe Shephard, City Administrator
This will have no effect on the publication of The Howe Enterprise, as Walker will remain owner/editor.
(Complete story in Monday’s edition)
Parents of the Lady Bulldogs fall softball team prepared the field to start the new season. Full story on Monday
25-9, 25-12, 25-13
Aces: Kayla Anderson 3, Emily Sanders 8
Kills: Kayla Anderson 3, Tiffany Lallier 15, Tori Abner 7, Emily Sanders 4
Digs: Hailey Hopper 3, Jamie Patterson 1, K. Anderson 2, T. Lallier 2, T. Abner 3, E. Sanders 1
As some of you have noticed, The Howe Enterprise has contracted with Michelle Carney to be able to share her unbelievable photography work of Howe Bulldog sports and school activities. Carney was given the #1 Bulldog Fan Award last spring at the sports banquet for her remarkable dedication. It is a privilege to be able to share her work to Bulldog fans all over the country.
It’s probably late in the game, but if you’re still needing to buy school supplies, here’s what you need:
Large backpack (large enough to hold a full size folder)
1 box 8 count large Crayola Crayons (Crayola brand only)
1 pair Fiskar scissors
12 sticks of Elmer’s glue sticks (Elmer’s brand only)
1 box thin line Crayon washable markers
1 pkg. personal/baby wipes
Paper plates (girls)
Cotton balls (boys)
1 backpack – no wheels or rollers
12 – #2 pencils
3 pkg. 24 count regular crayons (Crayola brand)
2 large pink erasers
1 Fiskars scissors
1 pkg. or refill personal/baby wipes
3 primary writing tablets
1 black one subject spiral notebook
3 – 4oz. bottles of Elmer’s school glue
1 pkg. construction paper (8 1/2 x11)
2 boxes of tissues
1 small rest mat (folding-red & blue)
1 plastic school box
2 bottles of Elmer’s glue (large)
2 large pink erasers
1 pair of 5″ blunt tip scissors
2 folders of any color or design
3 one subject wide ruled spiral notebooks
3 boxes of tissues
1 container of baby wipes
1 pkg. Manilla paper (12×18)
2 Mead hand writing tablets 1″ ruling
1 large stretchy book cover
1 pkg. notebook paper (wide ruled)
3 boxes CRAYOLA crayons (24 count)
2 glue sticks
1 dozen #2 pencils
2 green folders w/brads & pockets (plastic preferred)
2 blue folders w/brads & pockets (plastic preferred)
1 red folder w/brads & pockets (plastic preferred)
1 box Ziplok baggies (girls-sandwich, boys-gallon)
1 pkg.colored construction paper (12×18)
1 backpack (no wheels)
1 backpack (NO ROLLERS)
2 pkgs. (12 ct.) #2 pencils
2 boxes (24 ct.) crayons
1 pkg. notebook paper (wide ruled)
1 pkg. manila paper (9×12)
3 plastic folder w/brads
1 pair of med. sized scissors
2 small bottles of white Elmer’s glue
1 plastic school box
2 pkgs. colored construction paper (9×12)
2 boxes tissue
2 large pink erasers
3 pkgs. Crayola markers
1 box Ziplok baggies (girls-quart, boys-gallon)
1 nylon zippered bag for supplies (No pencil boxes)
2 pkgs. 24 count crayons
1 eraser (large)
2 red pens
1 pkg. baby wipes – BOYS
8 glue sticks
1 spiral notebook – basic color
Ear buds
4 plastic folders with pockets & brads (1 each RED,GREEN, BLUE & YELLOW)
2 – 3 ring binders-NO larger than 1 inch rings (white or black basic – NO ZIPPERS)
Backpack (NO ROLLERS)
2 pkgs. wide rulednotebook paper
2 large boxes of tissue
1 small pkg. colored pencils
1 pair of children’s scissors
1 pkg. quart or gallon Ziploc bags – GIRLS
2 dozen Ticonderoga #2 pencils (these last longer)
Manila paper 9×12 or 12×18-optional
Construction paper 9×12 or 12×18-optional
48 – #2 pencils
2 boxes colored pencils
1 pair scissors Headphonesor ear buds for laptops
pencil top erasers
3 pkgs. wide ruled notebook paper
4 plastic folders w/ pockets & brads (blue, yellow,green, red)
1 large zippered pencil bag that will hook in notebook
1 pkg. dividers for notebooks with pockets (front/back)
7 large/extra large cloth book covers
1 box of crayons
Gallon zippered bags – Boys only
3 glue sticks
4 yellow highlighters
2 pkgs. red pens
3 boxes of tissues
1 – 2″ 3 ring binder
Quart zippered bags – Girls only
5th Grade
Notebook Binder with large rings
White wide-ruled notebook paper
8 notebook dividers with tabs
Pencil pouch (nylon/fabric), goes inside binder
#2 pencils
2 – red pens
1 – handheld personal pencil sharpener
2 – composition notebooks (100 pgs)
3 – folders w/pockets & brads, (Red, Blue, Green)
2 boxes colored pencils
1 box of thin markers
1 box of large markers
2 boxes of Kleenex
1 set of ear buds or headphones
2 large glue sticks or 4 small
GIRLS – bring one container of baby wipes
BOYS – bring one roll of paper towels
6th Grade
3 hole, wide ruled notebook paper
Colored markers – thin
Black and red pens
1 – 24 count (or more) Crayola colored map pencils
2 pkg – 4×6 lined note cards
3 composition books
1 package glue sticks
1 set of ear buds
4 – one inch 3-ring binders
1 – Black Sharpie – Fine tip
2 highlighters
1 spiral notebook
1 white sheet poster board
2 boxes Kleenex
2 rolls scotch tape
1 pkg black dry erase markers
1 folder
7th Grade
1 – binder with large metal rings
1 – 1 inch binder (clear view cover, English)
4 – Pocket dividers (English)
Notebook paper – wide rule
3 – Plastic folders with brads & pockets (Science, Math & S.S.)
2 – Composition book (Science & Math)
1 – Spiral notebook, 1 subject (Social Studies)
2 – package 4×6 lined note cards (Science)
1 – 24 count (or more) Crayola Map Colors
2 – boxes Kleenex
1 – Pencil Pouch
#2 Pencils
4 – Glue Sticks
Pens (blue or black ink)
1 package red pens
2 – highlighters
1 pkg dry erase markers (for student use)
1 pair ear buds
8th Grade
White Notebook Paper – wide rule
6 – Folders w/brads & pockets (for English, Science(2), Math, Speech & Health)
1 – Composition Book (Science)
2 – Spiral notebook, 3 subject (English, Math)
Graph paper – (Math)
1 pk – 4×6 ruled index cards (Science)
1 pkg – 3×5 ruled index cards (English)
2 – boxes of Kleenex
1 – 24 count (or more) Crayola Map Colors (for Social Studies and Art)
#2 Pencils
Ink pens, blue or black only
Red ink pens
2 highlighters (English)
Cosmos Ice Cream & Italian Ice opened their doors on Saturday. The location is 974 W. Van Alstyne Pkwy in Van Alstyne.