1876 and 1908 Howe maps

Dusty Williams of Howe has recently let The Howe Enterprise copy and share old maps of Howe from 1908.  Other maps found in historical documents show the original town plat of 1876.  One of the most interesting things on the maps are that the Interurban ran down Denny Street and hooked over the current North Field and ran north through Timbercreek.

2015 0114 Howe old maps (9)

2015 0114 Howe old maps (7)


Chamber to induct 12 charter members to Howe Hall of Honor


The Howe Area Chamber of Commerce’s first initiative is to not only look forward to new opportunities, but to take a look back and recognize those who have come before to help make Howe what it is and what it will be.

Twelve charter members (including four living) will be inducted as the first class of the Howe Hall of Honor and the names will be revealed in this coming Monday’s Howe Enterprise.  All of the twelve were selected on their unique contribution to the city.  A ceremony is being planned for Friday evening, April 24, 2015 to kickoff the Founders Day Weekend celebration.  Tickets for the event will be $10.

Full story in Monday’s Howe Enterprise.

Howe Area Chamber of Commerce final

20141215 Norton Motors

Howe band member named All-State

Airianna Smith was named All-State in trumpet.  She is the 21st different student in the school’s history to receive such an honor.  Chris Burk, now the Anna Band Director, was the very first all-state member of the Howe band program in 1992, which was the inaugural year of the ATSSB organization. Dylan Guthrie is the only four-year All-State member for Howe.  Taylor Cook was a three-year member.

Full story in Monday’s Howe Enterprise



Howe Ex-Students can update info for reunion information

The Howe Ex-Students Association is providing a website for alumni to update their contact information so that information about the 2015 All-School Reunion can be distributed.  Those wanting to attend the luncheon on Sept. 19 will need to purchase a $10 ticket in advance, therefore, the association will need to contact those individuals.  More information on the luncheon will be coming soon.  There is a drop-down box stating whether you do or do not wish to have your contact information published in the Howe Ex-Students Directory.  The link to update your information is below.


For general questions regarding the reunion, please email howehsalumni@gmail.com



Howe All-School Reunion scheduled for Sept. 19

Every five years, The Howe Ex-Students Association hosts an all-school reunion and invites every graduating class and all teachers to come back to Howe.  The last event took place in 2010 which started with festivities on Friday night at the game and ended Saturday night with a performance by “Elvis” at Howe High School.

This year’s homecoming game has been scheduled for Friday, Sept. 18 when Howe welcomes Ponder to town.  That will be the weekend when all will return to Howe for the big event.  The committee is working on a performance for the Saturday night show and will meet tomorrow night at the Howe Community Library for planning the stages.

Photos from the 2010 All-School Reunion:
