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Howe family loses everything in fire, needs help

Tim and Kathy Becker’s Howe home suffered a total loss to fire last week.  The loss has left them in tears and without anything.  The Howe Area Chamber of Commerce is accepting donations that will go to help the family.  If interested in helping, please deposit funds into Howe Chamber of Commerce account at Independent Bank (with notation for Becker family) and 100 percent of that money will go towards purchasing the family materials of need.

The family needs everything from forks and spoons to couches and beds.  The chamber is getting the family in touch with Peggy’s Porch for clothing needs.  A fundraiser is being planned as the local churches are being asked to make announcements on Sunday to their congregations for help.

The Beckers moved to Howe nine years ago from Illinois.  “We’ve never needed anything and never asked anyone for anything before.” said Kathy Becker.  “But we need help now.”

Insurance covered the mortgage payment, but the family has to come up with money to have the house demolished as well as a new start.

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